Manly West Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Aspire

Telephone02 9948 2257


2026 Important Dates for Kindergarten 

Kindergarten is a significant  year of schooling as children formally begin to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Manly West offers a high quality transition program that meets the needs of each individual child and family and contributes to their sense of belonging in their new school comminity.

2026 Kindergarten Open Information Morning and Tour

Tuesday 13th May 2025 9:45am -11:00am

School Tour – Principal and Deputy Principal

Tuesday 12th August 2025 10:00 – 10:45am


Kindergarten Orientation Dates

There will be an orientation morning for students enrolled for Kindergarten 2026 on:

Kindergarten Orientation One

Tuesday 28th October 2025   9:45am - 11:00am

Kindergarten Orientation Two

Wednesday 5th November 2025 9:45am - 11:00am

Kindergarten students are to attend both orientation days


Application to Enrol Form

We can only accept applications if you live in the catchment area (see image below).  

Please ensure you submit your application to enrol with the following supporting documents:

  • Proof of students residential address, eg. rates notice, water/phone/electricity bill, lease agreement
  • Birth certificate or Passport 
  • Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement

Important Notice for Families Enrolling Siblings

If you are enrolling siblings who now reside outside of our catchment area, please ensure you complete the Out of Area Enrolment Form online.



Manly West Catchment Zone

When to start school

Your child can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year. By law, all children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.

When to start your child at school is an individual decision. You may want to discuss this with us or with your child's preschool teacher, carer or doctor.

Transition to school

We have a set of planned activities to assist your child to make a smooth transition to Kindergarten. Research indicates that children who settle quickly into school are more likely to be socially competent and achieve better results. Contact us to find out about our activities and how you can be involved.

Best Start Kindergarten Assessment

The best start assessment is a tool to help teachers assess your child's skills as they enter school, and to tailor teaching to their individual needs. Teachers will sit with your child when they start school to assess your child's literacy and numeracy skills so that they can develop an appropriate teaching program that caters for your child. Best Start interviews will be held late in January 2023. Please allow 45 minutes for your interview.

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