Manly West Public School is a dynamic and exciting educational setting where students are well prepared for a fulfilling life as local and global citizens in the twenty first century.
Manly West Public School has a proud tradition of excellence in academic, sporting and creative and performing arts areas. Our commitment to the achievement of educational excellence is demonstrated by the provision and commitment of a wide range of teaching and learning programs catering for the individual needs of all students. Technology is integrated as a tool to assist learning in all classrooms and students actively engage with software and applications using computers, laptops, ipads and interactive whiteboards.
Our students connect, thrive and succeed in the nurturing and safe learning environment created by a dedicated team of highly trained teaching professionals and support staff. The Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners (PBEL) program encourages the expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Aspire. A spirit of celebration of diversity, inclusiveness and caring for others is encouraged throughout the school. Leadership, Buddy and Student Representative Council (SRC) programs support PBEL. Bounce Back was introduced to strengthen resilience and our student wellbeing practices.
Strong community partnerships and a transparent whole school culture are of significant importance at Manly West Public School. We value the skills, expertise, knowledge, cultures and languages that our students and families contribute and transfer from their home environment to our school community. The parents and citizens association (P&C) encourage active parent and caregiver participation in a wide variety of activities and initiatives including the bi-annual Manly West school carnival.
Our students are offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities including our school production held every second year, competitive and non-competitive sports, dance and dance performances, a comprehensive band program consisting of four bands, choir, chess, debating, multicultural speaking, bear pit public speaking competitions and much more.
Literacy, numeracy and student wellbeing are emphasised within the learning programs and the development of the whole child intellectually, socially, emotionally, culturally and physically is paramount throughout the school community.
Mrs Julie Organ
Manly West Public School